Issue 003

Learn a New Chord

Paul McCartney once told a story about the time he and George Harrison heard about a bloke who knew how to play the B7 chord on the guitar.

According to Sir Paul, the two ingénue musicians jumped on a bus and took the journey together to learn the proper fingering. They were so hungry to expand their musical knowledge, and so lacking in resources, that it was worth it to them to drop everything and travel to this B7 guru.

Sometimes the most important thing you need to do right now is take the trip, metaphorically or perhaps literally, toward your own unknown. You can’t risk not gaining some new knowledge or insight. Make this opportunity a chance to expand your toolset.

You can spend your time or you can spend your money for just about anything you want or need. If you have money, you can buy resources. But if all you have is time, then you have to earn what you learn.

And that usually means taking some action and being open to the fact that you don’t know everything right now. However, with a little help you just might learn something that you need now or can use later.

Always be willing to seek the knowledge you need and take that crucial journey to learn that new chord (or whatever your “new chord” might be). Now go and find your own B7.


Let’s face it, there are some aspects to running a successful artistic career that you simply can’t control. Various issues seem to overwhelm and interfere with your progress. Rather than sit around and worry about these challenges, take a different tactic.

Despite the seemingly uncontrollable nature of things, you can control one aspect: Your reaction. Instead of wallowing in self-pity and playing the blame game, focus your reaction to the positive ways you can overcome whatever is blocking your journey.

Maybe this boils down to: ‘make the best with what you already have and stop worrying about what’s missing’ or a similarly trite platitude. Perhaps, there’s more to it than this simple advice. Think about it.

“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: It goes on.” -Robert Frost

We all suffer stresses, some huge and life-changing and others mind-numbingly trivial. Our reaction is often a negative and detrimental emotional response. That’s counter-productive. When confronted with these issues, take a moment to step away and calm your initial response. Then, search for a more rational stance. What you want to do is channel misguided energy into a resource you can call upon.

So, jettison those aspects of life that are beyond your control and instead use the strength you gain to move ahead.

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Many of us have thought about ditching it all and finding our idyllic cabin in the woods. Powers' experiment is an inspiring and touching story of his adventure. The book also delves into getting by with less and finding meaning outside society's norms. A modern twist on Walden. Not to be missed.

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This month's newsletter prepared by Jeffrey P. Fisher